Membership Terms and Conditions


 1. FEES

Upon signing the member agrees to pay either a lump sum fee or via weekly direct debit (processed on a Thursday). The member will continue to pay fees to attend Get Me Fitter until the end of the contract term length or is terminated by the member and applicable break fees have been paid (please see clause 7.)

Get Me Fitter reserves the right to change the level of fees from time to time. Get Me Fitter will give at least 15 days notice of any changes made to the level of membership fees.


The member authorises payment of the membership fee by direct debit to Get Me Fitter from the member’s designated bank account. If the member changes the designated bank account they must notify Get Me Fitter and complete a replacement direct debit form. Failure to do so may result in dishonour fees being charged. Fees will be deducted on a weekly basis.


Get Me Fitter shall not be liable or responsible to the member for any direct, indirect, consequential injury, loss or damage to the person, or the property of the Member, whatsoever and howsoever.


In the event that membership fees are overdue at any time, Get Me Fitter will write to advise you of this. We may charge a fee of $25 for a failed direct debit payment. During any period in which Get Me Fitter terminates the membership or membership fees are not paid, Get Me Fitter may suspend or terminate your membership and deactivate your access card. Once this happens, any unpaid and overdue membership fees may be referred to a debt collection agency and all other associated charges and fees incurred will be the members’ responsibility and will be legally recoverable from the member.


The member agrees to join Get Me Fitter for the minimum period specified on the contract term and pay the fees as they fall due for the entire minimum period, even if the member stops attending Get Me Fitter. No refunds will be given for non-attendance.


If a member signs up to Get Me Fitter under a specific promotional deal, the member agrees to adhere to all specific terms & conditions surrounding that particular promotion. A copy of the terms & conditions will be provided to each member upon signing up.  


Prior to the completion of the contract (if applicable) Get Me Fitter will advise the member that the contract period is due to end. If the member does not wish to continue their membership at the end of the contract period, they must contact Get Me Fitter in writing and cancel their membership once all payments have been made. Early termination fees for Get Me Fitter vary based on the remaining months of your contract:

  • 1-3 months left: $99.00

  • 4-6 months left: $149.00

  • 7-9 months left: $209.00

  • 10-12 months left: $249.00

These fees cover our administration costs and reimburse us for the reduced fees you've been paying as part of the contracted term length. If you're concerned about cancellation fees, consider signing on to an open-term agreement instead, which has no cancellation fees.


Get Me Fitter may terminate the membership if:

  • The member fails to comply with the policies and guidelines of the club.

  • The member fails to comply with the terms and conditions set out in this agreement.

In the event of termination made by Get Me Fitter, the member will still be responsible for any outstanding fees. (See Overdue & Dishonour Fees) 


Lockers may be available for hire during any membership period. The member agrees to pay the locker fees set by Get Me Fitter as they become due. The member acknowledges that these fees are in addition to the Gym Membership Fees. A locker key will be issued at the commencement of the locker hire. The member agrees to pay a bond for any replacement keys if needed. The member agrees to abide by the Club Rules and will not store any prohibited items such as drugs or firearms, or store any perishable items for an extended period of time. The members agree to allow the Get Me Fitter staff to access the locker from time to time in order to replenish towels and to deodorize the space. Get Me Fitter will remain dedicated to ensuring the security of the lockers but the member acknowledges that any items left in the lockers are there at the members own risk. The member agrees to give ONE weeks’ notice if they wish to terminate their Locker Hire & will return their Locker key


Mates Rates is open to a limited number of spaces only. Existing members may be eligible for the Mates Rates deal by signing up a non-member during the advertising window. This is a 12 week term contract that continues to roll over until the member or Get Me Fitter decide to terminate. The member is required to pay any remaining money owed if they wish to cancel before the full duration of the 12 week period is reached. Mates Rates membership can be put on hold once in the 12 week term for a maximum of 14 days. Notification of this must be sent via email 1 week prior to the commencement of the hold period. Get Me Fitter reserves the right to revert all Mates Rates memberships back to the standard membership rate at any time. Get Me Fitter will give 7 days notice before any price change occur. All Mates Rates members agree to receive any & all correspondence regarding the Mates Rates deal, spaces available & potential price increases. By unsubscribing, the member will become ineligible for the Mates Rates promotion.


A membership card will be issued at the commencement of the contract via our membership app. This card is to be used exclusively by the member to access the gym. Allowing use of the membership card for a non-member is in breach of the terms and conditions and Get Me Fitter reserves the right to terminate the membership without notice. Members who do not have their access card will not be able to access the gym during non-staffed times and should not expect another member to grant them access. Members may not bring in any non-member during non-staffed hours, failure to adhere to this will result in a penalty of $150 per infringement; continued breaches may result in termination of membership by Get Me Fitter.   Any person under the age of 16 will not be permitted to use the facility unless authorisation is given by the directors.


The member has the right to quiet enjoyment of all the clubs facilities and agrees to comply with all terms set out in this agreement and with Get Me Fitters Code of Conduct. The member must not carry out any illegal acts on club premises, and must comply with the club’s health and safety requirements, including those directed to your own health and safety. The member acknowledges that the club may be unattended by staff in the weekends and agrees to comply with club rules in this time. The club reserves the right to restrict members from weekend access or terminate the membership without notice if club rules are broken.