macro cheat sheet


Having a basic understanding of what your food is made up of is essential if you are to make healthy food choices. While calorie counting and macro tracking are simple concepts when considering our overall health and composition, they do help you more educated food decisions.

No matter the goal - weight loss, mass gain, maintenance or performance, focusing on macronutrients is a good place to start because every food we eat is made up of some ratio of protein, carbs and fats. And those building blocks quite literally fuel our lives.

You goal should be to “eat the rainbow” - literally consuming a bucket load of naturally occurring colour (the bright colourful packaging don’t count!) will ensure your are getting a great cross section of vitamins and minerals as well as your primary macros - proteins, fats and carbs.


How many calories do you need?

Find out just how many calories you need to reach your fitness goal. Whether its weight loss, mass gain, maintenance or to fuel performance, use our macro calculator to get accurate information on what you need to eat to achieve your fitness goals.


broccoli & bacon salad


green pancakes