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five easy bbq marinade recipes
This is a quick and easy marinade guide. It outlines five tasty recipes that you can use on your favourite cut of meat to make it even more enjoyable when it hits your plate.
broccoli & bacon salad
Nutrition per serving: 267 kcal | 16g Fats. | 20g Carbs | 13g Protein
Serves: 6 | Prep: 10 mins | Cook: 10 mins
macro cheat sheet
You goal should be to “eat the rainbow” - literally consuming a bucket load of naturally occurring colour (the bright colourful packaging don’t count!) will ensure your are getting a great cross section of vitamins and minerals as well as your primary macros - proteins, fats and carbs.
green pancakes
Nutrition per serving: 398 kcal 4g Fats 86g Carbs 7g Protein 14g Fiber
One of the tasty recipes found in the GMF Recipe Pack Vol 1. Its a clever way to get the kids to eat some veges and they taste great too.